Back to Basic :Hair Glossing Serum
Some of you know that I am on a spending ban so I was super excited to find this in my product draw and wanted to put it to the test.. so lets get to

Tesco Hair Glossing Serum
Brand: Tesco
Size: 50 ml
Price £1
Claims: Glossy Hair and tames frizzness
Results for Glossy
I have used this product for about over two weeks and a number of times. When I had used first it was on damp hair and then dried my hair and straightened it and it did look glossy but it looked close to greasy this could be because my hair was not use to a lot of product. I also tried the product on dry hair and when my hair was left without heat styling and it did look good but not a great deal, my hair wasn't exactly like a hair advert but I did look better.
Results for Frizzness
This is what I was looking forward to testing, first of all I tried it first when I was straightening my hair so I couldn't really tell, but when I tried it again but I tried it on damp hair I did notice some frizz reduced but not a lot of it .So I tried it on dry hair, once again it did take away but not all of it there were some still some frizzness to my hair so I put the product in to concentrated area and it worked so I thought it was a decent product, skip to a couple of hours later when I'm in the kitchen a round heat It had become frizzy again which really annoyed me. Another time I used it on dry hair I had put to the ultimate test I brushed out the curls in hair to see how effective it was and it didn't take all the frizness away from hair but did reduce it.
My Conclusion
In conclusion I am not massively impressed with this product, It did work for me to a certain extent but it didn't work to take all the frizz out of my hair but it didn't hold the frizz at bay, there are hair products out there that will take the frizz out of my hair . I do have very frizzy hair especially when I brush my curls out so if your hair is less frizz it might work better for you but for me I don't think I will be using it again.
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