Brand: Superdrug
Price £2.99
Claim's:'Vitamin E Exfoliating Facial Scrub uses oatmeal to provide gentle but effective exfoliation, revealing deeply cleansed, soft and radiant skin.'
First Impressioin and Experience
When I first used it I noticed that the exfoliating particles seemed more abrasive than I have used but not too harsh to point where it hurt my skin and completely dried itout . I would nt use it more than once a week. It didn't strip my skin completely but I would use a really good toner after would to restore my natural Ph balance because my skin would feel a tiny stripped afterwards but I have found that that a small amount goes far and feels better because its not as hard on my skin.
its not the best one I have ever tried for me, I have given to my sister because she liked it, she hasn't really use to using scrubs I don't know if that's why it worked for her or not but I think she liked it. The fact that she hasn't got anytging to compare it with it might be why she likes it . I am trying out another Brands Basic scrub then I shall return to my No 7 scrub which I love
Thanks for Reading
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