Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Morning Skincare routine February 2015

Morning Skincare routine February 2015 

 I have already done my Night time routine  so I thought I would do my morning routine as well. I do use a lot of the same products because for a while my skin didn't look very good and I think it was because I was changing my skin care often so I decided to stop chopping and changing......
 So lets to it.

Step 1 
No 7 Hot cloth Cleanser
I have mentioned this to death, I love it its great I use it day and night and it works very well for my skin.

Step 2 
Boots essential Face scrub. I like this one its a decent scrub, I have recently realised the benefit of scrubbing my face more than once a week I keep the Hot cloth cleanser and the scrub in the shower and it is so much easier!! I now use a scrub maybe about 3 times a week which I find better I don't know if it because I have dry skin.

Step 3 
Olay essentials Refreshing Toner 
I love this Toner, I have tried 3 other toners ones more expensive and cheaper. I use this in both night and day and I do go through it pretty quickly I think I opened it last month and I am half way through the bottle but hopefully when I do finish it I hope its on offer in Superdrug when I am finished 

Step 4
Origins Ginizing 
I skip the oil and go straight moisteriser. I have done a review here It is one of the best day creams I have used and it is the most expensive which I would kind of expect. Using day and night helps my skin look brighter and look more awake. 

I hope these post have helped I do have dry skin just to give you some background information but what works fro one may not work for all.

Thank You For Reading