I missed last weeks weeky favorites I didn't have many and I wasn't feeling to good, but today I have a few which I am very happy about it
Superdrug Vitamin E Hydrating face mask
I think it is a great mask I have a more detailed review coming up, I love it I think its a good product and for the product being £2.59 I think its great and worth the money.
Botanics skin Relief serum Ultra calm cream
I had a major break out last Sunday my chin , its very red and pretty sore which doesn't happen to my skin often. I started to panic a bit because I was graduating from University the next day so I was freaking out. I notice how the serum claimed to calm skin and for me it did but you have to use it day and night to see the best result.
Real Technique Buffing brush

I have forgotten how much I loved this brush! I have been using my hands to applying my foundation with my hands but this week I picked this again and it made my foundation look great!
Netflix's: Person of Interest
I have been watching this series for about a week and half and I think its great, I love the two main characters friendship with each other but I think the main reason why I like it is because to me its a story that has nt been done before, it basically a duo who are set out so save people that the government know are in trouble due to machine but the government don't help so the Duo save people. That's not the best way to describe it but if you have Netflix I suggest you give it a watch to see if you like it.
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