No 7 Beautiful skin Rapid Spot Rescue Review.
Spots. Most who are humans get them and those who have naturally amazing skin can only imagine what it would be like to have them. I had pretty decent skin through out my teens but when I entered my 20's things changed and not for the better! I have nt used many spot treatment some times I just use toothpaste on certain spots and it fine but I thought I would retire the good old trusty tooth paste and give something else ago.I bought this about 2 months ago and been testing it out on and off so without further a do lets get to it.
When I first got this I was in a moment of weakness my skin had broken out, I was in Boots, I had a No 7 voucher and I had a gift voucher that I had got for Christmas so I picked up the No 7 Beautiful skin Rapid Spot Rescue without doing any research. So when I finally arrived home after shopping I quickly removed the make up off the area I had spots only and put the product on my breakouts. It didn't sting, didnt have a nasty smell. I left it on and went about my business and when it came time to taking off my make up I noticed it had reduced the redness by a noticeable amount so I washed my whole face and applied the product again but it didnt have the same effect! I used the products from a day and half more maybe two and I had spotted (no pun intended ) no diference so I stopped using the product.
Last month a few breakouts had appeared on my skin once and again so I thought I would give this product and another ago and stick to it!! So I did it took the product a week to make two spot on my face inviseable to someone far away but not close to me. They were marks , there was no redness and the spot had reduced in size but if you looked closely you could tell where they had been! While using this product I noticed that were I was applying the cream was becoming dry and started to flake to the put where I added an extra cream to my night time routine.
To sum it up the product didn't speed up the fading of the spot and it didnt dramtacally reduced the redness. I can't understand that why the first time is used it was so good but not any other time I used it! I don't think I would buy it again I may try it again out of curiosity
Thank you for reading
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