Monday, 22 June 2015

Hello America!

This picture is not mine and can be found here

Guys......I’m sooo excited!!! I will be taking a trip to Florida in August and I’m superrrrr excited as this will be my first time ever!

I’ve honestly wanted to go for such a long time but haven’t found the best time to go with uni being so busy. But now that I’m finished it’s time to go on such a fun adventure! It will be a family trip with my sisters and parents and we’re doing all the kiddy things we never got the chance to do when we were younger. So we’re visiting all the amusement parks and will be staying in a gorgeous villa for 2 weeks.

Not only am I excited for all the fun and adrenaline, I’m also looking forward to doing new things for the blog like OOTD/OOTN, America Hauls and soooo much other great stuff that I have in store! I hope that you join me on this rollercoaster of an adventure (haha pun intended)!

If you’re from Florida or have been, let me know of any great places that  I should visit or any restaurants that I should try out.

L xx

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